The Status app is currently in its beta stage. This means the application is still undergoing active development, and certain features described in this document may function differently or be unavailable within the app.
You can use your existing Ethereum address to create a new Status profile. For instance, if you already have a non-custodial Ethereum wallet such as MetaMask or Trust Wallet, you already have an Ethereum address and a recovery phrase.
If you want to use your Status profile on multiple devices, sync your device for the best experience.
Your wallet funds are safe and recoverable as long as you know your recovery phrase and keep it safe.
When you create a profile using an existing Ethereum address that already has funds, you can operate with your funds using Status Wallet.
If you already have a Status profile created with the same recovery phrase, and you have used it within the past 30 days, you can choose to recover it or continue with the new profile.
If you haven't used Status in the past 30 days, your profile is unrecoverable on new devices. You have to sign in from the device you used the profile to recover it. Your funds are safe if you know the recovery phrase.
Enter and repeat your password. Check the box to confirm
I understand my password can't be recovered
and tap
Confirm password
Configure your device's biometrics (fingerprint, face or other) to fill in your password. If you want to enable biometrics later, tap
Maybe later
Enable notifications
to set up Status app notifications. If you want to enable notifications later, tap
Maybe later
and then tap
Start using Status
If Status finds an existing profile in the Waku network, you can use your existing profile or the one you have just created. When you choose your existing profile, sync this profile with your other device if you have one.
Status doesn't know your password and can't reset it for you. If you forget your password, you may lose access to your Status profile. Remember your Status password, keep it in a safe place and don't share it with anyone.