Replace your community control node
on Oct 14, 2024

Only relevant to:
Replacing your community control node is an experimental feature.

The community control node maintains your community settings, configuration and functionality. The computer where you create your Status Community or transfer your community ownership becomes a control node.

As a community owner, you can replace the control node if you need to move your community to another computer. You can only replace the control node if you meet all these conditions:

  • Have access to the computer where your community runs.
  • Replace the control node within 30 days of the last time your community connected to the internet.
  • Have the Owner token in your Status Wallet.
If the control node is unavailable or more than 30 days have passed since you last connected the community to the internet, read Recover your Status Community.

Every Status desktop installation includes the Status folder. Don't delete or change this folder. Doing so may cause unexpected issues with your community and Status profile.

You start the process in the current control node and finish it in the new one.

  1. 1
    In the new computer, install Status desktop and sign in with your Owner's profile by syncing, entering your recovery phrase or using your Keycard.
  2. 2
    The current control node notifies you about a new device added to your profile. In the control node, go to
    and click
    Setup syncing
    next to your new computer. Wait for the synchronization to finish.
  3. 3
    Still in the current control node, in your community settings, click
    . Under the content area, click
    How to move control node
  4. 4
    Select the new computer as the control node and click
    Move control node

  1. 1
    In the new computer, click your community in the navigation sidebar.
  2. 2
    At the top of the channel sidebar, click your community logo and then click
  3. 3
    Under the content area, click
    Make this device the control node
  4. 4
    Check the required boxes and click
    Make this device the control node for [your-community]

After you replace your control node on another computer, the new control node shows only the last 30 days of messages. To restore the message history and make it available to your community members, move the Status folder from the original control node to the new control node.

Creating a backup ensures you can restore your data if something goes wrong.

  1. 1
    In the new control node, click
    Sign out and quit
  2. 2
    Sign out and quit
    again to confirm.
  3. 3
    Go to the directory containing the Status folder. Use this table for reference:
    PlatformFolder path
    macOS~/Library/Application Support/Status
  4. 4
    Copy the entire Status folder to a safe location on your system.

  1. 1
    In the original control node, click
    Sign out and quit
  2. 2
    Sign out and quit
    again to confirm.
  3. 3
    Copy the Status folder from the original control node and replace the existing Status folder in the new control node.
  4. 4
    Open Status desktop in the new control node and wait for the message history to restore.

After you replace the control node, remove the original Status desktop installation.

  1. 1
    In the new computer, click
    in the navigation sidebar.
  2. 2
  3. 3
    next to the original control node and click
    again to confirm your action.
  4. 4
    Uninstall Status desktop from the original control node.
Updated by
on Oct 14, 2024
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