A Status Community is a place where you can connect and communicate with people who share your interests. Communities are ideal for those with a passion or hobby, study groups, gaming communities, professional network groups or creators looking to generate income from their content without intermediaries.
As a community Owner, you can create open communities or restrict community access using tokens, control membership approval and organize discussion groups in channels. Owners have complete control over their community and are responsible for maintaining its rules.
You can configure these community settings:
Setting | Description |
Community history service (CHS) | Status Communities store up to 30 days of chat history by default. When the CHS option is checked, community members can see messages older than 30 days. |
Request to join required | Community Owners must manually approve each join request if this setting is checked. This option applies to open and token-gated communities. |
Any member can pin a message | Any community member can pin messages when this setting is checked. If the setting is unchecked, only the management roles can pin messages. |
After you create a community, you can customize its settings at any time.