V1.13 Release - Socks, Spam and Keycard

V1.13 Release - Socks, Spam and Keycard

on Apr 28, 2021

The latest version of Status mobile introduces some new features and UI improvements to give you more control over your messaging experience.

The latest release introduces a new “Activity Center” in which new chats and group chat invitations will appear in this section, where you will be able to accept or decline the request. This is designed to give you more control over and prevent invites from spamming your chats feed.

Giving you further control and privacy, you can now set a privacy setting to ensure you receive private messages and group chat invitations from contacts only. This new privacy feature is also in response to recent spam attacks that have been hitting Status in the recent weeks.

Profile >> Privacy and security >> Accept new chats from

Now, messages sent within private groups will be marked as confirmed with a double check mark if at least one of the members has received it. This was implemented in private 1:1 chats recently and brings Status closer to feature parity with other mainstream messengers despite the decentralized architecture of the mobile application.

Now you can reset your keycard (remove your secrets from the card), as well as change your PIN and PUK. Also you now have the ability use an additional Keycard as a complete back up to your existing one.

As always, this release introduces a number of improvements and bug fixes that continue to refine Status into a simple, intuitive all-in-one private messenger, crypto wallet, and Web3 browser.


  • New Activity Manager
  • Receive Messages from contacts only option
  • Delivery confirmation for private group chats
  • Reset Keycard Functionality


  • Improved UI for starting a new private chat


  • Fixed issue with crypto on ramp and requiring camera access
  • Added support for SOCKS token

Update in the App Store or Google Play if you do not have auto updates enabled.

The APK available is here

For the full changelog, see Github.

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