Leave a group chat
on May 15, 2024

Status app is currently in beta stage
The Status app is currently in beta. This means the app is still undergoing active development, and certain features described in this document may function differently or be unavailable in the app.

If you don't want to be a member of a group chat anymore, you can leave the chat. You can always re-join the chat later if you change your mind.

Once you leave, a note appears in the group chat's message history letting other members know that you left the chat. You will still be able to view the group chat messages that were sent before you left.

If someone keeps adding you to group chats you don't want to be in, consider changing who can invite you to group chats or blocking that person.

The group chat owner can't leave without deleting the chat for everyone. For more information, check out Delete a group chat.

  1. 1
    From the tab bar, tap
  2. 2
    Open the group chat you want to leave.
  3. 3
    From the top navigation, tap
    More options
  4. 4
    Leave group
  5. 5