Delete a group chat
on Jul 24, 2024

Status app is currently in beta stage
The Status app is currently in beta. This means the app is still undergoing active development, and certain features described in this document may function differently or be unavailable in the app.

If you don't need a group chat anymore, you can delete it. Once you do that, the chat history and member list are gone forever, with no way to recover this or any other data.

Only the group chat owner can delete the group. If you're a regular member, you can leave the chat instead.

  1. 1
    From the tab bar, tap
  2. 2
    Tap the group chat you want to delete.
  3. 3
    From the top navigation, tap
    More options
  4. 4
    Leave and delete group
  5. 5
    Leave and delete
Updated by
on Jul 24, 2024
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