The Status app is currently in beta. This means the app is still undergoing active development, and certain features described in this document may function differently or be unavailable in the app.
A Status Community is a virtual space for like-minded people to exchange ideas and collaborate.
The aggregated balance of the shared addresses must meet the token requirements of the community or the management role you are to take.
After you send a request to join a community, you may become a member immediately, or you need to wait until the Owner accepts you if the community requires join approval.
For communities that require join approval, you can view your request status or cancel your join request on the community page.
Status notifies you when the community Owner accepts or rejects you.
If the community Owner rejects you, you can send a new join request.
When you join a community, you share one or more of your Status Wallet addresses. This action confirms you have the tokens for token-gated communities or channels and lets you participate in airdrops or fulfil a management role.
No matter which type of community you want to join, you must share at least one Wallet account address (or address, for short) with the community control node. If you have only one address, it's automatically selected when joining the community and you can't unselect this address.
The addresses you share are stored in the community control node and never revealed to the community Owner or members. However, the community Owner might discover the address and Owner indirectly.
Consider creating dedicated addresses for specific communities to protect your security and privacy.
To join token-gated communities, you must hold the required tokens by buying crypto or receiving them from others.
If someone shares a community with you, tap the link or scan the QR code. Otherwise, from the tab bar, tap
, then tap the community you want to join.
Request to join community
. If the button is greyed out, this community is token-gated, and you don't meet its token requirements. You need to obtain the required tokens first.
Join as Member/Admin/TokenMaster
to edit your shared addresses. All of your addresses are selected by default. Optionally, turn off the
Share all current and future addresses
toggle, and check or uncheck the boxes next to the addresses. Then tap
Confirm changes
For airdrops
to choose your preferred airdrop address. Tap
Confirm changes
Request to join community
again, and confirm using your biometrics, password or Keycard.
An airdrop refers to distributing free tokens, including assets (virtual coins), collectibles and ENS names. In Status, only community Owners can airdrop tokens, often to promote or manage their communities.