About losing access to a community
on Mar 23, 2025

Status app is currently in beta stage
The Status app is currently in its beta stage. This means the application is still undergoing active development, and certain features described in this document may function differently or be unavailable within the app.

You can lose your Status Community membership for different reasons. For example, a token-gated community can change the token requirements to join, or your behaviour breaks the community rules.

The community Owner can ban or kick your Status profile if you break the community rules. Respect the community rules and members, and don't spam people or promote scams or deceptive practices.

  • If you lose access to a community, you must request to join the community again.
  • For token-gated communities, you should hold the token requirements at all times.
  • When the community Owner bans you or kicks you out, you can see
    in the community page.
  • If the community Owner bans you from their community, you can't see or search for the community in the Discover communities page.
  • In the notifications centre, your
    notifications show when you lose access to a community. You don't receive a notification when you're banned from a community.
Community Owners control who has access to their communities. Status can't kick you out or ban you from a community. Likewise, Status can't grant you access to a community or override the community Owner's actions.

KickThe community Owner kicks you out of the community. You can request to join the community again.Open and token-gated communities
BanThe community Owner bans you from the community. The Owner must unban you before you can request to join the community again.Open and token-gated communities
Token requirements changeThe token requirements to access the community change, and your tokens no longer satisfy these requirements. Open the community page to review the new token requirements.Token-gated communities
Your tokens changeYour tokens or token amounts change, and you no longer satisfy the community requirements. Open the community page to verify your eligibility.Token-gated communities
Community Owners can lose access to their communities if they need to restore their Status profile on a different device and don't mint the Owner token.
Updated by
on Mar 23, 2025
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