Status privacy policy, DApp opt-in and more! An important value at Status is transparency, but sometimes development moves so quickly that we don’t have the opportunity to pause, document, discuss, and disseminate the various components of the mobile app.
One way to help address this is by adding a privacy policy to the app, to let our community know what services we use to make Status work, and how personal data is used. It is also an important reminder that we do have some centralized dependencies and employ services that may expose user info. This is just one step, but an important one, to be true to our principles and provide informed context to our users as we make progress toward our goal of being fully decentralized.
With 0.9.26, we are also beginning to introduce the the ability to grant web3 access to the DApps you choose to use. Permissions are granted on a per DApp level. This doesn’t work with all DApps yet, but does work with both our test and ENS DApps. Going forward, DApp authors will need to add support for this, but based on community feedback we anticipate that this change in approach will be adopted quickly. Read more from MetaMask about our collaboration on driving this initiative.
Also, with 0.9.26 we’ve got sound! Sound has been enabled for message notification.
Check out all the additions, updates and fixes in this Beta release — with over 160 commits from 29 contributors!
Known Issue
In some cases when chatting the app may show a “Connecting to peers” warning message. If the issue persists it can be resolved by restarting the app.