Announcing the Statusphere Ambassadors

Announcing the Statusphere Ambassadors

on Jan 30, 2019

Since Status’ inception, community has been at the forefront of everything we do. We need your help to spread the message about why the world needs secure communication.

From community competitions, meetups and hackathons, Status is all about trying to create a welcoming open source community, and enabling anyone to get involved with shaping the future of Status. Today we're pleased to announce our first-round invitations to the Statusphere Ambassador program for our most passionate community members.

Statusphere Ambassador?

Status is building a secure messaging platform that allows you to transact and interact with the decentralized web. If you care deeply about the importance of privacy, censorship-resistance, or free software you'll be made very welcome here.

Becoming an ambassador to Status means that you've come to understand what Status is building and feel a responsibility to the community to contribute in the ways you feel impassioned by and agreed upon by other ambassadors.

You'll have access to participate in bi-weekly ambassador calls and connect with other passionate contributors to Status. You will get access to the Status community blog portal if you'd like, and have an opportunity to contribute to Status' social media, have your voice heard, as well as early access to any initiatives like community competitions and even early stage projects that come out like Status Keycard.

Have a say in the future of the Status' community and help guide other members through the journey! If you've ever stopped by any of our public channels and contributed; you'll understand why becoming an ambassador might be important to you.

Becoming a Status ambassador is a big step in the journey of a community member, that should be led by voluntary passion for what status is trying achieve and to help establish strong principles.

First and foremost anyone can join the Status community, but not everyone is at the level of understanding or dedication to become a Status ambassador yet. We expect a few things out of our ambassadors:

  • Participation in at least one ambassador group and org-board that is focused on delivering a community-driven goal together. Also at least participating in one ambassador call per month.
  • Principles and a valued approach to how you interact with other Status community members. Always starting a conversation with respect and end with understanding.
  • Desire to continue learning with the resources available that other ambassadors will help guide you through and continuance of the Status Network goals.

You'll join an already passionate group of ambassadors in at least one working group; the categories to apply for are as follows for now.

- Community Development

- Digital Media Strategy

- Educational Improvements / User guides

- Artistic / Creative

- Developer Relations

Status ambassadors are considered our most active and passionate community members and will be recognized as such.

Apply to become an ambassador today!

For Q1 2019 we're opening up 25 International english-speaking spots

The team will initiate those qualified to become ambassadors by setting up a 30 minute call to talk more with you beyond your application and understand why it's important for you to become an ambassador to the Statusphere.

Please join #statusphere if you have any questions!

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