on Feb 12, 2025

Status app is currently in beta stage
The Status app is currently in beta. This means the application is still undergoing active development, and certain features described in this document may function differently or be unavailable within the app.

Buying SNT tokens works the same way as buying other ERC-20 tokens, such as DAI or UNI.

SNT is the Status community's token. For more details on SNT, such as what you can use it for and what values it represents, check out About the Status SNT token.

You can buy SNT with fiat currencies (such as USD, EUR and others) using Status Wallet. You need some Ethereum (ETH) to cover the transaction fees (also known as gas fees). For information on how to buy SNT in the Status app, see Buy crypto.

When you buy crypto in the Status app, you're buying from our partners through a third-party site. In case of any issues, contact the respective partner's support team.

Besides Status Wallet, you can buy SNT tokens from third-party exchanges. For the up-to-date list of exchanges you can currently buy SNT from, see the Status website. On these exchanges, you can buy SNT with both fiat currencies or other crypto assets.

In addition to buying SNT, you can also swap other ERC-20 tokens for SNT.
Updated by
on Feb 12, 2025
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