A throwaway profile is a disposable Status profile that you can use to join communities in Status Web. You can use a throwaway profile to join a Status Web Community without revealing your identity. Because the throwaway profile is not linked to any identifiable information or other Status profile you may have, your identity remains anonymous.
You may want to use a throwaway profile for different reasons. For example:
When you use a throwaway profile, Status Web assigns you an identity using three randomly generated words: adjective, adjective, and animal name. This mechanism uses significant randomisation and ensures your anonymity.
Your browser cache retains the throwaway profile information across browser sessions, different browser tabs, and computer restarts. To delete your throwaway profile, delete the profile or clear your browser cache.
Be cautious with the information you share. A throwaway profile protects your identity from others. However, people may find your real identity based on the information you share. Additionally, your internet service provider and browser can still collect identifiable information about you.