Channels: your quick start guide
on Jul 24, 2024

Status app is currently in beta stage
The Status app is currently in its beta stage. This means the application is still undergoing active development, and certain features described in this document may function differently or be unavailable within the app.

In Status Communities, you have access to dedicated spaces called channels. Channels bring the right people and information together for any project or topic. A channel conversation focuses on specific topics, and you can join and leave the conversation anytime.

As a community Owner, you can use channels to break down a large community into smaller, more focused sub-groups. With Status, you can set up channel permissions based on token ownership. For example, you can make an open channel token-gated or view-only by only allowing holders of specific tokens to join or post.

To add channels to your community, check out Create a channel.
Information about the community, such as the number of members, active users or the main community topics.

All members in a Status Community can browse and join open channels. For token-gated channels, you must meet the token requirements to join the channel. To maintain access to token-gated channels, hold the required tokens at all times.

Messages in token-gated communities and token-gated channels are always end-to-end encrypted.
Token-gated channels have a
lock symbol next to the channel name. To access these channels, you need to meet the token requirements. To maintain access, keep holding the required tokens.

You can see the channel name and permissions here. Token-gated channels have a
lock symbol. From this area, you can select
More options to view more details about the channel, such as channel members, permissions or notifications.

The #general channel is created by default when you create a community. You can use this channel for various purposes, including sharing news, discussing community policies and events or making announcements.

This channel works like any other channel. As a community administrator, here's how you can make this channel more helpful:

  • Don't rename the channel. The #general channel is widely recognized and understood in communities. Renaming the channel may confuse members.
  • Set up permissions to restrict who can post in #general. This removes noise from the channel and keeps it on topic.
  • Use the #general channel to pin messages describing FAQs, community rules or other information relevant to your community.
Updated by
on Jul 24, 2024
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