#stick2web3 Sticker Design Competition - Top 10 and Voting Begins

#stick2web3 Sticker Design Competition - Top 10 and Voting Begins

Jonny Zerah
Jonny Zerah
on Mar 16, 2020

After a flurry of amazing and creative design submissions on the Pictosis platform and in partnership with Pictosis, OpenSea, Meme Factory and ENS , our top 10 designs are in and we will determine the winners with a vote in the SNT Voting DApp starting Wednesday March 18th and end Sunday March 22nd.

You can vote from Status or any web 3 enabled browser that holds SNT at this link starting Wednesday March 18th at 10am GMT!

Remember, you will need some SNT in your wallet BEFORE the vote opens. A snapshot of your wallet is taken at the start of the vote and the amount of SNT you hold dictates how many votes you will get. It costs nothing to vote, but the amount of SNT in your wallet does determine how many votes you can cast). The SNT voting DApp leverages quadratic voting so learn more about how it works here.

And here are the top 10 - go vote for your favorite in the SNT voting DApp

Infor the techicorn



by Farzin


by Farzin


by Mugen Flen

Marshmallow Unicorn

by roboto

Status Mascot

by DesignBlock


by Johana

Ecko The ETH Gecko

by melvin


by TimeStampy

Little penguin

by zakarya

Jonny Zerah
Jonny Zerah
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