V1.9 Release - “What’s your status?”

V1.9 Release - “What’s your status?”

on Nov 24, 2020

V1.9 introduces status updates, link previews, local notifications on Android (beta), and more to brighten up your Status experience.

With the release of v1.9, Status introduces a few new features to make interacting with your community more enjoyable. You can finally answer your friends when they ask you “What’s your status in Status?”. The new “status” tab within the tab bar is akin to an unstoppable, censorship resistant Twitter feed that enables anyone to set their own status as well as view a timeline-like feed of their contacts’ status updates. You can now share what’s on your mind, where you are, or what you had for breakfast with those who have added you as a contact.

This release also includes link previews in chats to make sharing links with your friends a bit more fun and engaging. Many ask why this seemingly straightforward feature is just now making its way into Status. The answer is simple – privacy. Unfurling URLs, or enabling previews, requires the viewer to give up their IP address to the website. The site requests this information in order to deliver the image and relevant metadata in preview mode. Therefore, Status provides the option to preview links to YouTube only for now while more sites will be added to the white list in the future. Link previews are off by default but anyone can toggle them on at their own discretion.

Version 1.9 introduces local notifications on Android (currently in beta) to confirm incoming transactions, outgoing transactions, or failure of outgoing transactions. Another key feature for an integrated crypto wallet.

Lastly, v1.9 adds backwards compatibility for ENS usernames as well as bug fixes.

Update in the App Store or Google Play if you do not have auto updates enabled.

The APK available is here.

For the full changelog, see Github.


  • Profile status updates
  • Link previews in chats (YouTube)
  • In-app Push Notifications for transactions (beta) - Android only
  • Onboarding into public chats


  • Add backwards compatibility for ENS Usernames
  • Account cards design to accomodate high value accounts
  • Rename Status account to Ethereum account for first account on onboarding
  • Remove manual fetch 24h in bottom sheet
  • Pinch to zoom on images


  • Personal sign method
  • Slow asset list
  • Loading of older transactions (< April)
  • Loading of message history after rejoining a public chat
  • Unread message counter update when other user replies to own message
  • App crash on navigation from and to generate keys in onboarding
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