Here we are. Nearing the Status Hackathon and all the amazing events and happenings Prague Blockchain Week has to offer. We have started to outline the experiences on each floor in a series of blog posts to give you a sense of what to expect.
Doors will open bright and early (9:00am) on the morning of Friday October 26th so we encourage everyone to arrive on time to ensure you get signed in and receive your SNT, ETH, and ENS user name for all the exciting activations.
We also have a bunch of really exciting workshops planned which will be announced over the next few days. Hopefully these inspire you to buidl something special.
Saturday will be no frills hacking. Don't expect any talks, workshops, or surprises...this is all about unobstructed, focused work.
Sunday will mark the close of #cryptolife with submissions, judging, announcement of winners, and of course a DAppy Hour put on by our dear friends at MakerDAO. We will have a couple of hours while the judges review the submissions so the EthMagicians have arranged for a discussion led by a panel of Eth2.0 contributors. You won’t want to miss it :). The DAppy hour will take place at a nearby venue just a short walk from the National House Smichov.
Here is a day by day agenda for #CryptoLife
Day 1 - Friday October 26th
Day 2 - Saturday October 27th
Day 3 - Sunday October 28th
We look forward to seeing everyone in Prague and can’t wait to see what you all buidl. In the meantime jump into the public channel in Status #cryptolife