Pin a message
on May 15, 2024

Status app is currently in beta stage
The Status app is currently in beta. This means the app is still undergoing active development, and certain features described in this document may function differently or be unavailable in the app.

You can pin important information in chats so that it doesn't get lost in the message history. For example, you can pin your chat rules, event announcements or FAQ.

  • You can pin messages in DMs, group chats and community channels.
  • Group chat members can pin both their own and other members' messages.
  • Once you pin a message, it's highlighted and gets a label saying who pinned it.
  • In communities, whether or not you can pin someone's message depends on your role and the settings chosen by the community owner.

  1. 1
    From the tab bar, tap
  2. 2
    Open the chat where you want to pin a message.
  3. 3
    Tap the message you want to pin.
  4. 4
    Pin to the chat
    . To unpin a message, tap it and select

To view all pinned messages in a group chat or DMs, open this chat and tap

Pinned messages
. If the chat is full, tap the ribbon with the
symbol underneath the chat's name.